
30 giugno 2021

Caresilk Sponsor del Congresso SIB2021

Caresilk is sponsoring the annual conference on biomaterials SIB 2021 which will be held in Lecce from 11 to 14 July 2021.

The conference is jointly organized by the Department of Engineering for Innovation of the University of Salento and the Institute of Polymers, Composites and Biomaterials of the National Research Council (IPCB-CNR).

The overall aim of the annual conference is to provide a forum for scientists, clinicians, industry members to meet, promote and share ideas on cutting-edge research, and novel innovation strategy on biomaterials and their applications. In this context, young scientists are strongly invited to participate. They will have the opportunity to share their research results to a wide public of experts in an unique interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary environment: from chemistry, engineering, biology, material science, translation to clinical practice and industrialization. Indeed, networking, dissemination and the open curiosity are the driving force of the conference as represented by the SIB2021 logo: Six degrees of separation theory.


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